Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 7): Kastamonu - Sinop - Karabük - Bolu Düzce - Zonguldak - Bartın

Activities of Şevket Turgut, Commander of Forces Suppressing and Pursuing Rebels in Zonguldak and its Surroundings (1919-1922)

The most important task undertaken by Kuvâ-yı Tedibiye and Takib Commander Şevket Turgut Bey in Kastamonu and Zonguldak region was to successfully carry out the struggle for dominance between the Istanbul Government and the Kuvâ-yı Milliye over the appointment of district governors and other administrators. From what Şevket Turgut Bey wrote in his notebook, we learn that the local administrator and the soldier who support the Kuvâ-yı Milliye in Zonguldak had good relations with the French forces in the city, and from time to time intelligence was received from the French. Another problem that Şevket Turgut Bey dealt with in the Zonguldak and Kastamonu neighborhoods was the fight against soldiers and prison fugitives and bandits. Şevket Turgut Bey, who has served in many different positions in Zonguldak, Kastamonu, Bartın, Devrek, Çaycuma, Bolu, Ereğli and Düzce, has also ensured the operation of the coal mines and the safety of the miners in the Zonguldak Mining Basin. The news about Şevket Turgut Bey’s successful works were published in many newspapers, including Dertli, Bolu, Açıksöz and Kürsi-i Millet. This article has been prepared in the light of the information in the book containing the daily notes and telegrams of the Kuvâ-yı Tedibiye and Takib Commander Şevket Turgut about the Zonguldak and Kastamonu region, starting from 1918 and covering the National Struggle period. With this study, it is aimed to bring some details to the light of day by making use of the notes of the Kuvâ-yı Tedibiye and Ta’kib Commander Şevket Turgut in the history of the National Struggle in Zonguldak and Kastamonu. In this study, it is aimed to help researchers who want to do research on the period by revealing the information we have obtained from the notes that have never been used before.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Namal
DOI: 10.53478/TUBA.978-625-8352-69-6.ch14