Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 1): İzmir, Aydın, Manisa, Uşak, Kütahya, Afyonkarahisar, Eskişehir
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 1): İzmir, Aydın, Manisa, Uşak, Kütahya, Afyonkarahisar, Eskişehir
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 2): Denizli - Isparta - Burdur - Antalya - Muğla
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 2): Denizli - Isparta - Burdur - Antalya - Muğla
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 3): Bilecik - Bursa - Çanakkale - Kocaeli - Sakarya - Yalova
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 3): Bilecik - Bursa - Çanakkale - Kocaeli - Sakarya - Yalova
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 4): Adana - Kahramanmaraş - Şanlıurfa - Kilis Gaziantep - Hatay - Mersin - Osmaniye
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 4): Adana - Kahramanmaraş - Şanlıurfa - Kilis Gaziantep - Hatay - Mersin - Osmaniye
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 5): Aksaray - Kırıkkale - Çorum - Sivas - Çankırı Karaman - Kayseri - Kırşehir - Konya - Niğde Nevşehir - Yozgat - Tokat - Amasya
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 5): Aksaray - Kırıkkale - Çorum - Sivas - Çankırı Karaman - Kayseri - Kırşehir - Konya - Niğde Nevşehir - Yozgat - Tokat - Amasya
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 6): Artvin - Rize - Trabzon - Gümüşhane Giresun - Ordu - Samsun
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 6): Artvin - Rize - Trabzon - Gümüşhane Giresun - Ordu - Samsun
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 7): Kastamonu - Sinop - Karabük - Bolu Düzce - Zonguldak - Bartın
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 7): Kastamonu - Sinop - Karabük - Bolu Düzce - Zonguldak - Bartın
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 8): Diyarbakır - Mardin - Elâzığ - Malatya - Adıyaman Tunceli - Siirt - Batman -Şırnak
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 8): Diyarbakır - Mardin - Elâzığ - Malatya - Adıyaman Tunceli - Siirt - Batman -Şırnak
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 9): Erzurum - Van - Kars - Ardahan - Bitlis - Erzincan Bayburt - Muş - Bingöl - Hakkâri - Iğdır- Ağrı
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 9): Erzurum - Van - Kars - Ardahan - Bitlis - Erzincan Bayburt - Muş - Bingöl - Hakkâri - Iğdır- Ağrı
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 10): Edirne - Kırklareli - Tekirdağ
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 10): Edirne - Kırklareli - Tekirdağ
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 11): İstanbul
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 11): İstanbul
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 12): Ankara
Local History of the National Struggle 1918-1923 (Vol 12): Ankara